the lost of my miracle baby.

Danielle • MotherOf3💜💙💜🙏🏾😇😇😇MyAngels

so I was suppose to be bout 12 weeks but unfortunately my baby heart stopped at 6weeks and stopped growing this was my miracle baby after another loss last sep I'm so hurt bcuz I never wanted to take the meds to but trying naturally my baby still doesn't wanna exit my body and I found this out 4/4/18 an have being walking around with my baby inside of me every since its a horrible and sad feeling so this morning I started cramping and spotting so I decided to take the meds and start the process of my miscarriage but I cant help but feel like im doing something wrong. God please forgive me for everything its all in your hands my angel is now yours thank you for my blessing😢🤧👼❤💔👣👣👣👣👣👣

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Posted at
Im so sorry for your loss. Ive lost 2.. one at 12 weeks and one at almost 12 weeks. It is so devastating. Sometimes we have to take the meds for our bodies to react to what is going on. Having the baby dead inside you can make you really sick. With our second loss.. I started spotting and went to the hospital only to find out my baby stopped growing at 9 weeks..a week after I saw the heart beat. It took over 2 weeks for my body to recognize it. The night after I went to the ER (my husband's bday) I started to naturally miscarry. The first time around I did not have my baby in my uterus by the time I got an U/S at the ER. In both cases I had a D&C.; It isnt easy but give yourself time to heal physically, emotionally, and mentally. It takes such a toll. Good luck to you. Sending you hugs and healing prayers.


B💑👪 • Apr 13, 2018
No, we have not. My husband no longer wants to try. It took a toll on him and he was open with me about his feelings. He is just as hurt and doesnt want to go through it again. Maybe in another year or so we can open that idea again but for now we are focusing on other things.


Danielle • Apr 13, 2018
thank you im sorry for your loss and the experience of going thru this as women as mothers its hard bcuz we connect with our babies quickly. if you dont mind me asking have you tried again? my fiance wants too i want to a lil bit but im so scared bcuz thats 2 miscarriages in one year.


Posted at
I had to take those meds too, it’s was awful, I understand your pain and grief. I wish it could be easier, there will always be tough choices in life but they make us who we are and build us to be stronger. Keep your head up your in my thoughts and prayers, don’t give up, when it’s in God’s plan it will happen for you.


Danielle • Apr 13, 2018
thank you those are words i needed to hear uts very hard but i Know God has me an i judt need to keep the faith again thank you and sorry to hear about your loss.