Am I being unreasonable?

I recently got dental coverage after a four year lapse. I'd had ratiation treatment right before the loss of coverage, so not surprisingly I need a lot of work. We're in the second month of treatments about 1.5 weeks apart. 
Friday was one of those treatments. We only have one car so I walk a little over a mile each way to the dentist, which is crazy unpleasant because I live in Texas so I get the terrible heat and the drenching rain. 
I was in the chair for three hours. I came home, nauseous from the novacain and took the codeine pain pill the dentist gave me and dozed off. 
I woke up an hour later to find that my husband had come home. I'm still groggy and really queasy and I asked if he could run to the corner store--less than a mile away--for some ginger ale. He looked at me like I'd lost my damn mind and said, you want me to go out after I worked a ten hour day because you want soda?? Go yourself. 
I did, but it was unpleasant. I was worried that I wasn't in a great place to drive but I definite didn't want to walk either. I'm still mad about it and he thinks I'm being unreasonable. He's like, if you want me to obey your very command, just say so. I keep saying, don't you think there's an added need for empathy if I've been through something bad?
And he says, if you needed medicine it would be different. Not for soda. You should have more empathy for me because I work hard every day.
And we're at an impasse. I'm seriously reconsidering the entire relationship. One reason we're pushing so hard on the dental work is because we want to have a baby and now I'm wondering if he's going to be that callous when I'm pregnant or home with a newborn.
He thinks I'm being selfish and unreasonable. I really don't think I am.