IUD and mood swings


Does anybody else experience intense fits of rage since getting their Mirena? Like the tiniest thing can aggravate me to the point where I break something or want to lash out in a serious way.

A couple weeks ago at work (I’m in IT) a monitor cable wasn’t coming out easily, and I got so annoyed that I bent the connection and just tore it out because I was fucking over it.

Today I was studying and I got legitimately angry about how something was worded so unnecessarily complex when it should have been simplified. Then I messed up a notecard (I’m always a perfectionist so I would have started it over on any day) and that mistake pissed me off more, and I crumpled the notecard so hard in my hand my nails dug into my palm.

Sure we all get annoyed at things, but the genuine anger that I’m feeling in these instances is so uncharacteristic, and I hate it! These things are so insignificant, and I know that, even in the moment, but I still just get SO mad.


Update: I ended up legitimately screaming at my BF on the way home in the car. I have never screamed at anyone let alone my boyfriend. He said it scared him like I was a completely different person or like someone had taken over my body. The entire time, I knew that I was mad about the dumbest thing....I apologized after because I knew I over reacted by miles. He forgave me of course, but I hate that it happened. He didn’t deserve that and I would never treat him that way..