1st Clomid Cycle 50mg days 2-6 CD12 peak OPK


Hi first clomid cycle had some side effects such as hot flushes,teary & emotional,bloating and feeling sick. I took them at the same time each day.

I have one blocked tube & one open but scraggy as the nurse put it. Which I feel really lucky to have as I was told my LHS was completely blocked with hydro and the other was severely damaged and I had no hope of a natural conception.

Fast forward 2 laparoscopy, HSG,serrapeptase, pre natal vitamins, vit D and increasing water intake.

I have more ewcm one healthy tube and my LHS is still blocked but no hydro and it’s just little fibraes fused at the end. The doctor gave me a 60% chance naturally which honestly I was shocked but time will tell. I feel extremely lucky to go from 2 blocked damaged tubes to where I am now.

I used clear blue advanced opk and always ran out of sticks at CD 19 and always just got flashing smileys today I got my peak so 🤞 my journey has been long and so emotional I wish baby dust to all of you.