When it pours it rains!!!!

I need to rant and rave while trying not to pull my hair from my head (what's left of it anyways).  This month has been full of challenges, but I'm hoping triumphs are ahead. I've have been to the urgent care clinic for UTIs 3 times this month, which aren't actually infections, I just always seem to have blood in my urine.  (If anyone else has this issue please enlighten me before I head to urologist). In between visiting the clinic I had this massive pain go from in my vag to my butt area, to find out that I'm suffering from pubic symphysis dysfunction.  I am on my third child, first two are girls, this one is a boy, and I have NEVER felt such excruciating pain in my life!!!!!  Although my son makes me feel sick and puts me through pain 24/7, he has given me this amazing, round butt lol. Now this week has been one for the records!!!!  I took my youngest to the dr because she woke up with a red mark on one side of her face yesterday, it didn't go away, so I took her in. Come to find out she has fifths disease!!!  First off I was like what the hell is this, but I didn't have time to ask questions about what it was before the doctor tells me that I need to stay away from her for at least a week!!!  As parents we all love those wonderful breaks from the kids, but a break was scheduled by her pediatrician until I see my OBGYN. Apparently it is contagious, and if I catch it, it will put my unborn son at risk. So now I have to go to the dr tomorrow to have blood drawn.  When will this roller coaster end?  Ugh 
Whoever made it to the bottom of this post, I thank you so much for listening (reading) my rant. Prayers are very welcome as I head to the dr in the morning. 😩