Best fiancé ever!


For those of you who also live in Minnesota, I feel your pain! Mother Nature has given us one more dump of snow (hopefully) and laughed our dreams of a nice start to spring away.

A little back story: I work at the Emergency Room at our hospital in town and I also live the closest (1 mile) away from there. So I’m usually the first one called if we get a sick call or someone can’t make it to town because of the weather. So we had a few call-ins yesterday and I ended up working a 13 hour shift with no meal breakfast

Photo of my view yesterday 4/14/18

My fiancé not only brought dinner to me (all delivery was shut down) but sat in the lobby while I scarfed it down quickly - thanks to my wonderful nurses who watched the from for 5 minutes - and then scraped my windows before he left! Ugh I love this man 😍

Ready to do Snow-mageddon part 2 today and then pray it all melts as quickly as it arrived!

Photo of my family from the State Fair last year because it’s my favorite 😍

If you read this far 👉🏼 thanks for sticking through! Lol