Baby number two on the way!!

Amanda • Engaged to my best friend. 💍 Mama to an angel 02-15-2017 🕊Lincoln Archer 05-11-2017, baby #2 due December 14th 🎄

Looks like we’re expecting baby number 2! I’m 11 months PP, We have been trying for some time and wanted 2 under 2. Were over the moon of course, I look to be about 5 weeks so due around December 14th ISH ..



I thought nothing of it, till I tested yesterday. And round ligament pain is already here.

Tell me your morning sickness remedies I feel awful! 😅❤️

Also this explains why my babe has chosen to wean himself from nursing. I wasn’t leaking before and now my boobs are leaking again now that I’m pregnant.

Anyone have experience with breast milk while being pregnant. Should I expect to dry up and milk come back? Should I keep pump and keep up a supply? What should I expect to see or go through?

Pictures for attention!