This long distance is killing me.

I never felt such a heart break in my life. My stomach hurts I feel like I'm gonna through up and I can't stop crying. We told our parents he was going to go far away for another job and I wanted to go with him and get married. We been together for 2 years and I know I want to be with him. I'm 19 he is 21. I don't wanna go out and just date I wanna be with one and only man through every strom and that's my boyfriend now. But my parents are old school and didn't agree so he went to prove them he can get a job get him self together and support me. But I feel so broken he sounds so depressed down there and feel so broken as well. I love him so much and I regret not telling me parents I am going to go. I feel stupid and wish I never told my parents so they would let me see him. 😨😨😨😨 I know it sounds stupid but I really didn't get to say good bye cause of my dad. I have every one yelling at me and what not and I just want him. Omg it feels a piece of my heart is missing.