Should I let my Dad meet my daughter


Hey everyone ! I’ve been contemplating this for a long time but now that I’m due any time now I’m struggling with a decision. For years my dad has cheated on my mom & i haven’t really had a relationship with him since. The “girlfriend” or whatever she is at this point, shows up to all events my family is at to take pictures of my dad and record him (he’s a musician) and emails my mom details of what her and my dad have done and tells her how my dad thinks of us as nothing but garbage & “unruly” she’s even made it a point to somehow find my email and message me saying how I need to be talking to my dad & letting him meet my daughter when she’s here or he’ll “resent” me even more than he already does. Needless to say she’s just a vile person but I do believe this is what my dad has told her because he makes it a point to let us know how he’s better than us and how we need to stop “bullying” this woman YES apparently we are in the wrong here. But anyway I forwarded him these emails and told him I would have nothing to do with him and this situation until he completely ended it with her because I can’t deal with the stress or have that in my daughters life. It’s been about three weeks now and no word from him. He’s still with my mom (which I can’t even get in to why she’s staying that’s also bothering me) but she said he will not even speak about me and the situation because I just need to “let it go” I’m sorry this is so long and it doesn’t even cover half of what’s going on. I just feel like he’s ruined his shot at being a dad (he was never really involved growing up and told his girlfriend he never wanted any of us) so why should I even give him the chance of being a grandpa when he’s already screwing that up but I don’t want to rob my daughter of that relationship 😞