I don’t know


Lately I’ve been feeling distanced from my friends. Today, we went to get food and we were all sitting in our cars(3) and then everyone ended up in 1 car and I just felt awkward and like I shouldn’t go in. So I just stood outside making some small talk. It just felt weird for me to be there, and like I was invited just because I was there when they were confirming plans. So I just left. Usually we’re all making plans together, but I don’t know, something shifted. I’m not sure if it’s because my “best friend” is someone who is able to switch from friend to friend when they get bored or if it’s because of something that’s going on inside of me, I just don’t know. I usually keep things inside, which I know isn’t good, it’s just that I don’t want to rely on people. I want to be able to do things on my own. I know I should talk to someone, and I do. I just don’t like to feel like a burden. I guess I’m just looking for some kind of advice to help me through this. Anything helps.