14 weeks weight loss - tell me what you think!


Hello! I’m graduating in July and would like to lose a few kilos (ideally 3 or 4, I now weight 63kg and am 162cm tall) and would like your opinion! If you’ve done a similar journey tell me your stories!

My meal plan:

-breakfast: oats with 1 banana and walnuts + cappuccino

- lunch: salad!

-dinner: meat/fish + lots of boiled veggies + 2slices of wholewheat bread OR some wholewheat pasta (50gr) and veggies

Starting to drink much much more water (i never drink) and take some green coffee pills before breakfast which my pharmacist gave to me - it’s basically just herbal pills that make your metabolism work faster, but nothing chemical or stuff, just herbs. I have an all butter croissant on sundays as breakfast (cheat) 😅🙊

Also, I made an exercise plan with a gym instructor today!!! I am very excited about the weights, wanna get that weight body (which is an unrealistic expectation for 14 weeks i know), so i have the cardio part to lose weight (which is my primary goal)- doing walking inclined and stairs master- and then starting my core-building journey - eg 8kg goblet squats, abs, working on biceps and triceps.

What do you guys think, does it look good to achieve my goal?