Losing feelings for your SO during pregnancy?


I've been going through some weird feelings and I had no idea why/what was happening. And it dawned on me that maybe it was the pregnancy/hormones doing their thing. But I've had no attraction to My husband ever since last week I believe is when it started. (I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant) No motional or physical attraction. It feels like my feelings for him are just draining away. I don't feel in love with him. I'll just look at him and think to myself "I legit don't love this guy.." And there's NO physical attraction. Like I'm not to the point where I'm like "Ew.." and turn the way. I'm just where I look at him and ya know, don't think my husband's cute at all. And kissing doesn't feel right. It's like if you kissed someone you weren't super attracted to or had feelings for. And it's like ok.. can we just not do that? And I've just been keeping it in cause it felt out of no where and I didn't know what's going on. We haven't been fighting or anything. He's actually been really nice and bearable lately so I was like what is going on.. I haven't said anything to him. Obviously I don't want to hurt his feelings. And I haven't felt the need to end things over it. That really never crossed my mind. I don't think I'm even gonna mention it. Maybe if he asks I'll just be like "It's just the hormones." But I haven't been acting distant or anything lately so he hasn't really had a reason to. I've just been like why is this happening?

Then I looked up "Losing feelings for your partner during pregnancy" on Google and instantly there were so many woman who were like "I'm glad I'm not the only one!" And some were on there second pregnancy and I guess it happened to them during the first one too, but it passed either before or after the baby was born. So I guess at least I found the cause.. It's a sucky time to not feel anything for the person you're with.