So quick

Brooke • 12/10/2017 Anthony💙 10/11/2020 Cecilia💖

How in the world is he 4 months already! He’s already blowing bubbles with his mouth and laughing. It’s crazy how much personality he has at just 4 months old. He’s definitely going to be as crazy as his parents which I love. I’ve had many moments these past 4 months thinking I’m not ready to be a mom, it’s been very stressful and tiring but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Seeing his smile every morning makes me realize how much I love being his mom. I absolutely love rocking him to sleep and watching how peaceful he is. I’ll never stop until he doesn’t want it anymore. These years will go by so quick and one day I’ll wish I rocked him just a bit longer.

He’s some pictures of him because I’m so in love with him