Daily Schedule

Karla • 32 years young. Matteo, March 2018 👶🏼💙

What is your baby's daily schedule like? My son is 5wks and he is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time but I still struggle a bit to get him on schedule. I understand routine and consistency is important but I've found it hard because I BF and feed him on demand. I would personally not like to feed him on a schedule because I feel he needs to tell me when he is hungry. He pretty much kind of sticks to the same hours of the day with feeding give or take a few minutes but the sleep has been difficult, especially at night. I try to have his bed time be anywhere between 8 &830pm but it doesnt always work. Seeing your schedule would be a great help. Also any tips for this whole night time routine would be appreciated. Thanks! FTM 😊