How to ask someone to be a godparent?

Emma • Mum to Harlen Jane🌷July 6th,’18 & Nolan Stone 🍭June 28,’19

My SO and I finally feel confident in who we’re going to ask to be our child’s godparent. I know some people wait until after baby is born, but we’d rather ask sooner rather than later to have a solid plan in place in case the unimaginable were to happen.

So we may OR may not ask before the birth. Either way, does anyone have any cool/sweet/whatever ways to make the moment special for asking someone to be a godparent. This is our first child, so first time doing this, and this is someone who has always wanted children, but may not ever have the chance.

Making this moment special is really important for us and for the person we’re asking. Any ideas?? Photos of things they’ve done??