UPDATE::: AH! I might have twin?? But I might not?? ☹️ please help


Hubby and I have been anxiously waiting for our first ultrasound and the day finally come on Friday!! I was 8 weeks and 3 days. I was nervous but excited and really just wanted some confirmation the the baby was healthy.

Well... the ultrasound progresses and we saw a heart beat and was like Awwww wow!

Then as she was finishing up I saw her write ... Baby... A. And my heart busted out of my chest! I was NOT expecting or prepared for that.

(Top is baby a, normal )

(Bottom is baby b, with a very small sac)

And before she even told us it was twins she’s said here’s what I see... she was concerned.

I guess as of right now she sees two babies, but baby B has what she described as a very very small sac. Long story short, she said in her experience that usually doesn’t end well. The ARNP confirmed and basically warned me over and over not to get too attached but the likely outcome is that baby B will be a “vanishing twin.” However, baby B is still about on track for size and has a heartbeat still. My OB said 8 weeks is a little late for vanishing twin syndrome and this if baby doesn’t make it, it would be a miscarriage or a demise.... but she seemed to be more optimistic.

I am in complete limbo now!! We have barely shared our news because we don’t really know if will will be having twins or not 😭. It’s tearing me apart. If baby B is not meant to be I will be okay knowing there is a reason, and I am immeasurably grateful for 1 viable baby and that this won’t end in complete miscarriage.

SO, has anyone had a similar experience with a vanishing twin or a baby with a small gestational sac? What was the outcome? This would really help me process as I have to wait 2 weeks before we can check to see if baby B has progressed or not.

This is so hard because I can’t mentally prepare myself for twin, because I know i May be mourning the loss. And I can’t go on expecting just 1 because I will be stressed and shocked if I’m having 2 all over again. The uncertainty is killing me!


I had another ultrasound at 10 weeks hoping to get peace of mind about having 1 baby or 2. Well, baby B still has a good heart beat and I saw it moving around. But it’s measuring a week behind and still has an very small sac, not what I was hoping to hear. Also, baby A is now measuring 4 days ahead. I am just so nervous. I’m afraid that something wrong and am afraid of having less than healthy babies.