Never be well again?


At least that’s how it feels. Nausea all day, diarrhea, tiredness, crazy sleep. So this is the first trimester!? 😜 thought I’d share a few things that have helped me since I got hit with all of this at week 5. Tomorrow is week 7 and I’m crossing all my fingers we get a heartbeat!!!


-sea bands help a LOT, but are too tight for me, so I’ve been wearing them off and on

-preggie pops drops are great, and can usually get me to a point where I can eat in the morning or evening when sickness is worst!

-whenever I have a break from nausea and some kind of food sounds good, I rush to get it. Chicken burrito? Sure. At least it’s calories and a little protein, maybe a veggie or two!

-staying away from strong smells whenever possible

Crazy sleep:

-half a unisom at night helps with the sleep and the nausea, just make sure you get the tablets not the gels

-a warm shower before bed

-reading something boring

Lack of nutrients:

-since my diet has consisted mainly of saltines and whatever boring bland thing I can handle, I try to sneak some green juice in where I can, or a side salad with that plain cheese pizza that is the only thing that sounds good

How is everybody doing!? Add your tips for the tricky symptoms!