ughhh 😪


So Monday I got my first ever BFP! I could literally shout it from the roof tops. Hubby & I have been trying for about a year & a half. & 2 rounds of 100mg Clomid. He has done nothing but try not to be excited. Honestly I think we are still in shock. We literally thought it would never happen. We even decided adopting a bunch of dogs would be enough for us. But here we are constantly worrying because his brothers wife & best friends wife lost a few babies early on. I test maybe 3 times a day just to make sure it’s still there.

AF not due until Saturday but I started testing at 9 DPO (Monday) & the test never looked different until today. the bottom is 11 DPO (just this morning). I had blood work on Monday & i’m at 17.7. now I patiently await the call back from today’s blood work & fingers crossed my numbers have doubled! The suspense is killing me!