Don’t ignore help me out

So my boyfriends family has died recently and he’s been going thorough a lot of other situations too but I understand he’s upset. So I do stuff like make him a nice meal yet he never shows up and apologises ( and this has happened multiple times but the argument has come from today) so today he calls me and says sorry he can’t make it when he has told me he will be there right up till this phone call. On the phone I’m blunt, I don’t argue just saying stuff like ‘ah okay’ ‘alright’ when he’s trying to apologise. After this he then goes mad saying how can you be annoyed at me, I’ve got shit going on, and I completely loose it and start crying cause I’ve tried so hard with the meal. This then leads him to be say ‘I’m not having people who go on like I owe them something and they do a lot for me and I’m negatively effecting their life’ I’m then trying to make things up and he’s saying stuff like we are over, I’m done. Now 10 minutes has gone by and he’s saying I’m sorry for not coming I’m just mad ect. And he is about to call me which is why I need quick advice.

I understand that he is in a rough time, and I deeply love him, but it feels like he can get completely mad with me and I’m always there to calm him down, yet the moment I’m annoyed or mad he just threatens me to leave and aborts it. I need advice on what to do or what everyone thinks of this, am I over reacting or being a bad girlfriend? Or I am making sense in thinking that he shouldn’t be doing this? I’m not a very stable person either which he knows and it breaks me every time he says he will leave. Help girls x