Thawing our frozen breast milk

Kay • After four miscarriages, I'm enjoying my perfect little rainbow girl and now her perfect brother.

Hi all,

I’m going back to work in a week and a half. My mother-in-law will be watching my son. With my first, I was unable to make enough breast milk to feed my daughter, so this is all new to me. I am producing a decent amount this time, so here are my questions for you guys:

1) If I put milk in the fridge from the freezer overnight, will it be deforested enough to use the following day?

2) How long will milk last in the fridge once it was previously frozen? I’ve read 3-8 days, but that seems like such a long range!

3) I have been freezing in 4 oz bags, will that milk last through two bottles once brought to room temperature? Or should it be split?

I’d like milk to be given room temperature, not warmed, any other suggestions?