
He told me he’d kill himself if I left. I have no clue what to do.. is that manipulation?

It started out like us arguing and I told him I was scared of him due to past arguments because he would throw things or punch walls or pulled my hair when I tried walking away. I’ve been with him for 3 years now and I’m scared to stop loving him.

He’s a sweet guy. Except not when we argue. He became such a savage once I found out he cheated in January. Saying he’d kill himself or do other crazy things. He has scared me in the past because of how he reacted, so I stay with him because I don’t want anything drastic to happen.. how do I leave him without him hurting himself?

I’ll be 19 soon.. and he cheated on me with my bestfriend of 5 years. Kind of shady but you know I couldn’t leave him. Sounds dumb right. But I didn’t want him to hurt himself if I left him. I thought he loved me but it just seems like he got bored of me because we were barely having sex an when we did, he pretended to cum. Or I’d have to do everything for him, like change his clothes or tuck him in. I’m scared to leave him because I live with him and moved away from my family for him. This is so hard. Please help my fellow ladies?