1st IVF failed— please comment!


I have had 5 failed IUIs and we found out my husband has severe MFI , so we moved onto

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

. I had 16 good quality embryos frozen. I had a FET transfer of two embryos grade 3aa and 2aa on March 30 and got a positive pregnancy test, but then my numbers dropped and I miscarried. My doctor said the embryos were perfect and my lining was perfect and he chalked it up to maybe the embryo quality was bad or that I have a blood issue that makes your body attack the embryos with white blood cells. So he recommends me having the blood test to check for this certain protein but does not recommend PGS testing due to me only being 33 and I already have a son from a previous marriage and my husband does also. This is also why they didn’t recommend the blood test before. My question is did anyone ever hear about this blood issue or your thoughts on why the

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

didn’t work? Or did anyone have a second attempt and it did work? My doctor said we have great embryos left so he wants to keep trying and not give up. I am kind of at a loss of what to do because it’s going to be another 3000 dollars for the transfer and the medicine. My husband thinks it will never work so that Kinda has me down too.