baby scare!!

Kayla • 👧👼👼👼🌈 due 12-17

So I've been cramping for a couple days and finally went to the er to make sure baby is doing okay. They did a regular US and they didn't see anything and my heart sank.. They were waiting on my urine test to come back positive for them to do a transvaginal US. They came in did the other US and they didn't let me see but they came back in to tell me baby looks good, ovaries, and uterus all looks perfect. baby has a good strong heart beat. My OB appointment isn't until May 7th but have to call them and change that so I get to see baby sooner!!! 💓💙💕🙌🙏🏼 my levels were at 5000 and match up to my LMP making me 5 weeks 4 days!!!