This has been a journey..


My journey of ttc has been hard on my dh and I. We decided 9 months ago on our backpacking trip in Europe we were going to try for a baby. As 26 year olds and healthy people we thought we would get pregnant right away. We were very wrong.

After several month I decided to start taking this more serious. I learned how to bbt, use opks, checked my cm and pretty much became obsessed! My stress levels were through the roof and my cycles were different every month. I was starting to feel depressed and that my life had suddenly froze and I was stuck in ttc haze and not enjoying life. In January, I went to my obgyn and requested a full hormone test. She assured me she didn’t think I’d have pcos because I’m a lean women who ovulates every month on her own. Results came back and sure enough I was. My androgen levels were elevated just slightly. I also had 2 ovarian cysts on my ovaries. She then diagnosed me with PCOS.

She put me on Metformin in Jan which I still hate because it has made my acne on my face HORRIBLE (for me anyway). But, I’ll take the medicine any day because it finally gave me my bfp this month. It brought my luteal phase from 11 days to 14 days last month. I felt like it was finally working. This month was the first month I wasn’t stressed! It’s amazing how stress can contribute to so many problems ladies!

Now that I have gotten my BFP I can reflect on my journey of ttc. I now know everything happens for a reason and when the timing is right, it’ll happen. I am thankful I was diagnosed with PCOS because without the diagnoses I would probably be still trying.

I’m still very early in my pregnancy but I wanted to give hope to any ladies who may be thinking this journey is not what they thought it was going to be. The ladies who cry from fear that it may never happen (because it will). To the ladies who are on these forum late at night reading different things women did for their bfp (like myself). My cysters who think <a href="">fertility treatment</a> is the only way. I pray and hope and send baby dust to everyone on this forum. Also, thanks for reading my long post. I felt I needed to post this mainly for myself.
