Help! Not producing enough milk?

Bri • 🎀 Braelynn’s mommy 🎀 ✨2/5/18✨

I feel like my daughter isn’t eating enough. She is 10 weeks old and will eat every 3-4 hours but only for 10 minutes at the most. Lately she’s been crying or screaming when I’m tryin to latch her and when she is latched she will nurse for a couple seconds and then pull off and then latch again (sometimes fights it). I feel like my milk supply is dropping and I’m not producing enough for her. So far she hasn’t had any problem gaining weight at all. She was 5lbs 12oz when she was born and at her last appointment at 9 weeks she was 11lbs on the dot. I’ve always could feel that I was producing enough but now, not so much. Are there any tips you guys have on increasing milk supply? I’m getting really worried I’m not going to be able to breastfeed her anymore. 😞