Do babies really bring on the worst?


Hi ladies! I’m currently 33 weeks with a little boy. This is the first child for both my fiancé and I.

Our one year anniversary will be in June, just a few weeks after our little boy is due to be here.

Now, let me start off by saying, this child was very much prayed for, wanted, and planned. I have PCOS (not overweight, nor diabetic, but have two brothers with Type 1 diabetes) and a uterine abnormality so we weren’t a 100% sure having kids would be in the cards for us, but we really wanted them! The doctor was also concerned that it would only become harder to carry to term as I got older (I’m only 20), if I could at all. So we decided we’d get started as soon as we could.

We never expected it to take happen as soon it did. We’d been dating for 3 months and it took one month of trying. 😅

I started having unexplained bleeding so I actually had to quit my job (I hadn’t been there long and didn’t feel comfortable asking them to hold my position) and go on bed rest for three months. I still haven’t felt comfortable going back to work as I’m a CNA and that can be physically grueling depending on the facility/setting. So we already had to come to terms with living as a one income budget family. That was very difficult.

But lately, I’ve been feeling very... not regretful, but guilty that maybe this was too soon. Like maybe my SO and I should of had more time together as just us. I almost feel like my issues pushed him into thinking he had to have kids now or he would never get them if he wanted to be with me. I can’t shake it.

Obviously no relationship is perfect, but I really do love him and wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. He just feels like home, ya know?

He has been nothing but wonderfully supportive (even helping me with all the ‘SAHM’ duties while working more than full time hours to save up vacation time for paternity leave) and is excited for our son, too. But I can tell he’s pretty worried about how our relationship is going to change after our son is here. I’m worried, too.

We just really don’t want to lose each other and end up resenting/hating each other. I guess it’s just the stigma/stories that babies really do make everything harder and tear couples apart.

So any uplifting stories or advice on how to keep a loving relationship with your partner once baby is born?

Thanks ladies!


A worried mama to be 😅