2nd ivf

Tiffany • Mommy to twins born March 4th 2019, Adelyn and Oliver, and one angel baby.

original post: I had my retrieval yesterday and man oh man I was relieved to get those eggs out! I was feeling way more uncomfortable during stims this time around (also feeling worse after this retrieval too). Turns out they retrieved 31 eggs =O (PCOS will do that to you)

& 24 of those were mature. We received an email this morning from our embryologist that 19 of them fertilized. I'm happy that we are 7 ahead of last time! Hopefully we will have better luck with quality this time around. I made a lot of lifestyle changes (prayer, diet changes, supplements, acupuncture, walking) and am hopeful. They will update us on Saturday (day 3) on their progress. Only kink we have hit this time, is that my progesterone level was high on day of trigger so doctor is recommending frozen transfer instead. The only way we can do that is if we have healthy embryos to freeze on day 5. Last time that wasn't the case. So we will see what happens. Please send prayers, good vibes or anything else you want our way. We appreciate it!

We have decided if we do not get pregnant with embryos from this

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

, we will start the adoption process. There are a lot of babies out there that could use our love!