
My S.O always talks about wanting to try anal (he isn’t pushy but he definitely has mentioned it before).

He’s had sex with one other person besides me and same for me. It was when we were in high school so pretty

much were each others first (unless you wanna count not knowing what you’re doing). 🤣

I am so turned off by the idea of anal but have seen/heard other girls say it’s actually nice and of course he makes sure to mention not ALL girls hate it.

But whyyyyy? Why my poop hole? How is that hot for someone to get screwed in the ass?

I’ve told him I’ll let him if he lets me stick a dildo in his ass which usually gets me out of the conversation pretty quick 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

I have been considering it lately though given my unusual amount of hornyness (I’m 6 months pregnant).

Anyone on here enjoy anal and have tips, recommendation, personal experiences they’d like to share to encourage (or discourage) me to try it? 😂😂