25 and having a hysterectomy soon


Sooo I’m finally getting a hysterectomy....

I have endometriosis and pcos along with an inverted cervix. I have known about the pcos since I was 15 years old. Over the last 10 almost 11 years I’ve tried several different options to help relieve my pain and prevent cysts. In 2014/2015 I found out I was pregnant and had a little girl. The pregnancy was rough. (Was told at 15 I’d never succeed in child birth). The last 3.5 months of pregnancy I was in bed rest for different reasons. After giving birth in August of 2015 I bled nonstop from the moment she was born to the middle of 2017. Over the last 2 years I’ve had 8 different procedures. I’ve spent the majority of the last 2 years folded over in pain, bleeding like a stick pig, and hating my uterus! Well in mid February 2018 I had my 8th procedure. Well here it is April 2018 and I’m still in pain and bleeding when I shouldn’t have ANY problems being that it’s been 2 months since my surgery. To add to it, during the surgery a nerve was cut causing back problems and partially paralyzed my left leg. So now I’m currently going through pt for that as well as taking the steps to get the hysterectomy scheduled. I’ve been asking my dr to stop using my uterus as a test dummy for surgery and just remove it so I can move on with my life, but due to my age they didn’t want to do it. Their reasons for not doing it already was that I might decide to have another child in the future. Mind you the surgeries I’ve had have basically sterilized me and pregnancy is now nearly impossible. I also have no desire to have another child. Not because I don’t want children, but because I cannot imagine the pain and difficulties of having another child being doable. I love my daughter and I’m so thankful to be blessed with her. But I’m already having serious complications that effect my ability to do things with her as it is.

My family had tried talking me out of the surgery saying I’ll have to take shots and hormone replacement now. However I feel like taking the hormones is a better option than taking so many medications a day for pain, discomfort and to help the bleeding.

I currently have more daily medications than the local pharmacy pushes out in a day.

Not only will this surgery stop the problem I deal with but I will be able to live my life pain free. I’ll be able to take my child places. I’ll be able to go visit family or friends instead of constantly living on my couch writhing in pain.

I have an unofficial step son as well as my little girl. And if I decide I want another child later on in life there’s always the option of adoption.

I am sorry this post is so long but I needed to vent in a way. No one seems to understand why I’m so relived to finally be having this surgery. Yes I’m nervous that something may go wrong, but I’m so ready to finally be pain free. I’m a 25yr old single mother who is willing to work, but waiting on disability to come through. Who is independent, but has no choice but rely on others to handle my responsibilities. Who wants to go take the kids to the park or zoo or lake, but has to settle for hobbling out to the front yard and praying they don’t take off running because I can’t physically catch them right now.

Ready to be fixed! Ready to have MY LIFE back under my own control!!!