I’m finally doing it!


Ugh I’m so excited, I’m finally gauging my ears!

After toying around with the idea to finally gauge up my ears, I’ve officially finally decided to!

Granted I know it’s not for everybody, and some may see it as me “destroying my body”, but to me gauged ears are beautiful!

Right now I am only at a 10g (2.4mm), which is still the very beginning of stretching, but I am still so beyond happy with it.

Right now my goal size is 7/16 (11mm), I still have quite a bit to goal (size and time wise), but I am so ready for the journey no matter how long it takes for me to treat my body and this process properly!

Right now I’m going to let my ears stay at the size they are at now for at least another 8 weeks before I size up to an 8g (3.2mm), that way they can heal and begin to be pulled down naturally by the weight of the jewelry it has in now.

If you guys have stretched lobes, please comment as to any tips and trick you might have for me and my personal journey with stretching my ears!

Much love and good vibes everyone!