Saturday my hubby and I woke up at 3 am wide awake talking about what we were going to do that day, ...

Saturday my hubby and I woke up at 3 am wide awake talking about what we were going to do that day, we ended up staying awake until 5:45 am when I finally fell asleep, was woken up 10 min later with a GUSH of fluid up my back and down my legs. MY WATER BROKE 😁 I was 39 weeks exactly. We had a plan of natural birth and for our son to be born in the water, so we headed to my midwifery at 9:30 am with me being at 3 centimeters and 100% effaced. My contractions were about 5 min apart and lasting a min. Contractions were getting more and more intense and my hubby was A TROOPER. I swear I broke his back, he couldn’t walk the next day. After laboring in the water and shower I was stuck at 7 centimeters and my cervix were swollen, they had me try to push to try and get his head over the swollen lip, his heart rate started dropping quickly though and my midwife made the call to transfer to the hospital and I was put on oxygen and rushed to the nearest hospital at 8:30 pm. They had a room waitin for me with a whole team of doctors rushing me on to monitors and I was OUT of it. The contractions were so bad I felt like my back was breaking in 5 million different places, they said an epidural would be about 10 minutes from that time and it felt like a LIFETIME. But boy was it a lifesaver, the doctors then monitored me for 5 hours and I was dilated at a 9 the whole time but contractions were getting further apart and his heart rate started dropping again. At 2:30 am the doctors came in and told me they had to do a c-section, I was A WRECK. How far from our birth plan could we possibly get. They wheeled me back and I threw up the whole entire procedure, which I didn’t even know was possible. But born was my 8 lb 8 oz Thaddeus 💙 perfectly healthy baby boy. I would go through it all again a million times over just to get him.