i hate my life!

ive been a sahm for 4yrs now, and i really miss being independent. i dont mind being a sahm, but being one w no car, and all i do is stay home, i cant even go hangout w my friends or family. this i mind. i feel like im trapped inside a cage. my husband doesnt let me work because he already made enough for us and he doesnt trust me. he doesnt even want me to go school, hed convince me not to go instead of encouraging me. he said its best i just stay home and be a mother to our kids and a wife to him. hed think im doing something i shouldnt be doing when i go hangout. or he has to be there and its just awkward w him there. but as for him, hes allowed to work, go to school, and HANGOUT. he doesnt even want me to go w him too when he hangouts. sighhh, i feel so worthless and i feel like i have no life besides being a mom to our babies. but still, i want that independent life too, he wont let me. what should i do?