Our Rainbow Baby🌈

Sandy • Wife 👑 🌈 Due April 2020

I’m in disbelief still....and a little scared if I’m honest. This past Wednesday evening I was having some cramping in my lower abdomen that just wouldn’t go away so my husband insisted that I go to the E.R - (we are overly cautious because we had an ectopic pregnancy last June and the whole experience was just a nightmare. I had to have surgery, plus a D&C; AND two rounds of methotrexate....it was horrible as we were newlyweds and were really looking to God for our blessing.) ANYWHO, when I went to the ER and was sent in to do my urine and blood test I noticed that I had some very light brown spotting and when I wiped I saw very light pink discharge. Now I’ve always read that “implantation bleeding” looks like that so I thought to myself OMG could it be??? But I had just had my period on the 7th of April so I’m like nah it cant be. Well, after being at the hospital until 3am doctor tells me IM PREGNANT! Wow, I’m just so excited and I pray that everything will be ok and that I will have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I just have to have faith! When my mind starts to wonder and I get a little nervous I just take a deep breathe and remember that it doesn’t hurt remain positive and Thank God in advance. Doc apt. Monday so I’m hoping my numbers have gone up. They put me on bed rest for the rest of the weekend just being cautious because of the light spotting and my history. I’m pregnant?! It’s my turn right??? Mind still BLOWN.