Update on Hobbitses


I posted a few days ago about Hobbitses, the kitten that was rejected by her mother, but after a lot of work, the mother decided to let her back into the nest.

We found her stranded on a pile of wood, crying and very skinny. She couldn't even stand up by herself. She was 4 weeks old. We thought it was because she was weak from hunger.

A week later and we've been feeding her supplemental meals. She's gained some weight back, but still has a tough time walking. She falls more than her siblings do, and she limp-thuds with every step. Today we found out why. She has a curved bone in her front leg.

She will never run properly because of it, and probably won't be able to survive outside (she's a stray). So as soon as she's old enough, she'll go to a happy forever home.

Her leg doesn't stop her from playing!