
Kate • 4 years TTC #1 6 losses 1 ruptured etopic Twin molar pregnancy

When you wake up this morning at 10dpo and take a test and its stark white negative.

You then go to work for a 12 hour shift and have a quick glimpse on facebook when you have a spare second, to see whats the latest. And you see that one of your good friends has annouced on there, that him and his girlfriend are pregnant and due end of October. I then get annoyed as i've just had my second miscarriage and he knows it and im struggling to concieve.

I've been haveing bad cramps all day getting worse in the evening at work. When i get home from work at 1am i do another test...........

and there is a CLEAR POSITIVE !!!!

I pray this one sticks and i actually have a pregnancy. I've had 2 loses in 5 months. Couldn't deal with a 3rd loss.