I'm mentally drained....

My husband and I have been TTC since July, we had a miscarriage at 8 weeks on December 14th. We've been trying ever since. My period was due this past Monday and yesterday I got a faint line positive, this morning I got an even darker positive. I work nights though so I hadn't slept. I fell asleep around 8am and when I woke up around 1pm I was bleeding like I had started my period. 😭 I texted my OBGYN that I've gone to for years and she told me it sounds like a chemical pregnancy and that if I hadn't tested I probably would've never known and just had my period as normal. I know it was only a day that I knew but I had my hopes up so high and had already told my husband. I'm just devastated and I know some people try way longer than this but idk how they do it. I'm so exhausted and drained and feel like it should already be my turn. I would've rather never been pregnant at all than have all these false hopes. 😩