should I be mad ?


A while back I had a really close friend that caught feelings for me I didn't feel the same way after a couple times of rejecting him I met a new guy there was a party and long story short I kissed him in front of my friend he got mad and he along with our group of friends stopped talking to me during that time I got to know the guy really well and after 6 months of talking he asked me to be his girlfriend shortly after that I reunited with my friends they apologized and we started hanging out again I never lied to my boyfriend I would always tell him where I would go and who would be there just recently he stopped talking to me out of know where and I asked him what was wrong multiple time he would just tell me it's none of my business not to worry about it days went by and he was still mad I asked again and he said the same thing yesterday when I walked out of class I saw him in the hall talking to some girl and today he finally texted me as if nothing happened he seemed fine like nothing happend I dry texted him and he asked if I was mad at him I said no "I was obviously lying" and we started talking normally then he says yesterday when you walked out of class was kind of awkward I responded yeah who's fault was that he said I know it's mine but we were talking about you and I told her why I was mad " it was because when i would hangout with my friends my old friend would be there" should I be mad that he told some random girl what was wrong with him before he told me?