Kelly • Married. 4 years TTC #1. VA🍍. PCOS.

Hey All. So I got a BFP (see pic) yesterday morning. Went to the doctor and confirmed it was positive via another urine test (AFTER I had already used my FMU). They took my blood and I will get that confirmation this morning. I'm EARLY. Like my <a href="">IUI</a> was 11 days ago. Well last night I had to pee before bed, saw we had no TP in the bathroom upstairs and was so tired that I just feel asleep. Woke up at 5 this morning and found TO cause I couldn't hold it. Took another HPT with this urine and a BOLD BFN now... I can't do anything until the doctor calls and even then, I worry I MC'd. No bleeding. Same cramping I've been having all week. Idk if it could be a MC or the fact that I went to bed with a full bladder. Help!!!! :(