Ovulated 1 hour ago

Anna • *Mummy of 3 baby angels ( first loss Aug 2018, second loss with twins Jan 2019) after IFV treatment; 2 chemical pregnancy. Waiting for my rainbow baby. 🤰😇🌈

Hello TTC people I just had the initial consulation with a private fertility clinic. Had a scan to check for polichistics ovaries abd guess what, I have ovulated aproc 1 hour before the scan (my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> says i will ovulate on tuesday 24th). My and hubby last time had intercourse on Wedesday and than started to prepare for today in case they will need a sample from him. They have requested us to go home and have lots of fun. 🤣 Any chances to get my BFP if we get active today? Thanks and baby dust to you all.