What’s one of your simple pleasures?

Tori • Married with 2 year old mini me :) B/G twins due 4/2020

I’m a really busy working mom. My husband works night shift and we have an 11 month old daughter. Life is chaotic and busy and exciting for our family.

But one of my absolute favorite times of the day is 5:45am on a weekday.

It’s my 15 minutes a day where my husband is home from work asleep in bed, my daughter is sleeping peacefully also in her crib. The house is silent and it’s dark outside... by this time I’m already dressed for work, showered, and relaxing in my chair in the living room with a cup of coffee.

No tv, no noises.

I love it. And I look forward to my peace and quiet time every day.

Name one of your simple pleasures