Selfish and lazy


So I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years, in that time he’s had like 3 short jobs, I’ve worked up until I had our baby which was last June. I’m currently looked for jobs, my parents are helping us right now til we can get on our feet. He just plays video games all day and sometimes he ask what I want him to do (I never know what to say) we always fight because I’m doing all the cleaning cooking, diapers, feedings, playing with our daughter, making sure the bills are set, walking our dog, laundry, etc and he plays video games all day. Occasionally he will come outside with us and take the dog out and he has been getting better with watching her so I can do stuff (like get my hair done esterday)

I just don’t understand how you can sit and play video games while I’m running around with a toddler and cooking and cleaning and doing all this shit I’m exhausted by the end of the day. And then he goes it with friends at night (went out Last night but hasn’t in a couple weeks) he comes in after 2 am and then sleeps late , like wtf

Everytime I take to him about it it ends in a fight he says worry about yourself and. Then gets mad and storms off or just says you don’t ask me to do anything, I left the house for a few days with our baby cause I was so fed up and he’s like I’ll change blah blah blah and it’s literally gotten a little better but nothing really has changed.

I want him to get out and get a job or start school something and everytime I mention it he has some excuse and says he doesn’t have an excuse or something. It’s so frustrating and I’m at my wits end I can’t do all of this by myself. It’s like I’m a single mom with her dad just living with us.

I don’t know what to do anymore