I’m stuck...

Ladies. I need to get this off my chest, I have no one else to tell because my mom has heard it countless times and I already know how she feels..so I would like to hear what you have to say.

I’ve been in a relationship with this man for 5 years now. Things were great until I cheated on him 6 months into the relationship, I was young so young and dumb! I was 16 to be exact. Anyways he took me back after that and since then things gradually got worse as far as physically and mentally abusive acts go. He’s choked me multiple times, slapped me...made many threats...He’s clearly got anger issues and when he gets mad he rages and can’t think straight...his eyes get so black I’m always on the edge of my seat when he gets like that. Something as simple as him not being able to find where he put his jacket for work the night beforehand gets him to FREAK OUT. I get blamed for moving it and he throws shit on the ground. (I’ve left him about 5 times and always came back..got roped back in) Anyways, He quit laying hands on me about a 2 years ago, but he’s kept manipulating me, and verbally abusing me. I’ve been called every name you could think of.

Dumb bitch, Fat whore, slut, ugly, linebacker, are his favorites.

Now mind you I gave birth to our beautiful daughter 6 months ago, yet he has the audacity to call me fat...before I was pregnant and had our child those names didn’t really offend me because I knew I wasn’t, I was 5’10 and 135 pds. Perfectly healthy, great body and could eat whatever I wanted. Now I am 220 pds and when he says stuff like that it gets to me. Not only because I am unhappy with my body but because it’s coming from him...the fact that his goal is to make me feel awful.

I’m not sure what I’m expecting you guys to say if anyone responds...I mean i love this man so much. I’m so lost, because we have bad times, but when we’re not arguing we are so happy. That’s what makes this so difficult. Anyways I just had to eat that iff of my chest. Thanks in advance for reading if anyone does.