Bringing gifts into restaurants and leaving trash behind.


Yesterday, I was dining out with my little girl at Red Robin. As we were waiting for a table, a big party of people walked out. A boy around 9 or 10 was carrying a laundry basket with new toys inside.

We were then seated in the far corner of the restaurant, next to what I would safely assume was the table of the people that had just left. Sitting on the table was a rediculous amount of destroyed wrapping paper. I mean, everywhere. Some on the seat, some on the floor, most covering one side of the table. Yes even in the used dishes.

While sitting there another party was happening in the same area. As the family was getting up to leave, they neatly placed all the wrapping paper in a plastic bag and then left it sitting on the table.

I personally don't open gifts at restaurants. It just seems very strange to me. I never actually had a birthday party growing up, maybe that's why. As an adult, my in-laws will occasionally will want to go out to a restaurant for birthday dinners. Gifts are then opened there. My mother-in-law told me I was "weird" and that it's the restaurants job to clean up after us. Even though we brought in the things that ultimately made garbage. I always grab all the wrapping paper, or cake box and take it with. Even if it's one of their birthdays.

How do you feel about people leaving their trash for others to clean up?

Do you also feel that it falls to the bus boy to clean up the wrapping paper as well?

What do you personally do with your gift wrap when at a restaurant?