37+2, 4.5 cm dilated, 85% effaced and miserable. 😭 I feel like I’m putting my life on hold just waiting.

Stayed overnight to be monitored in the hospital at 36 weeks+6. My contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was in active labor. Then the contractions slowed down to 5-7 minutes apart so they sent me home and told me to come back if my water broke or the contractions came back strong and close together. I’m contracting at home but only still 5-6 minutes apart. I feel like I’m just putting my life on hold and I’m so anxious. I’m so torn between doing everything I can to get this boy out (already weighs 8 lbs) and feeling guilty for wanting him to just be here now. I have an appointment Monday to see my OB again, but so impatient.