Fertility/Ovulation Problems?

So, since last May my fiance and I have been very lassiez-faire with our sex life. Sometimes we pulled out, sometimes we didn't. We weren't ttc but we knew that we'd be excited if we did. Now, we are not super sexual people. Our happy normal seems to be about 2-5 times per month of sexual intercourse. Because of this, while I know that unprotected sex without conception for a year technically puts us in fertility issue territory, I don't want to scare myself just yet. Does the amount of sex make that big of a difference? Does us pulling out around suspected ovulation for some of those months make a huge difference? I'm starting to get a bit worried, we are only 21 and 23, and everyone around us is popping out babies after one night stands while we've been doing this for months. Is something wrong?

Also, I want to know if anyone has any advice to tell whether im ovulating. I'm trying bbt but having a rough start, and don't ever notice any watery/super stretchy discharge. It's always more cloudy and tacky to me