General pregnancy symptoms

So we've been ttc since September of 2017 about 6 months. for some reason I think it finally happened. About 3 weeks ago shortly after my 2 day period I had one single drop of blood and some mild cramping, nothing too major. following that over the last 3 weeks I sometimes get mild cramping, I've been eating all the time from hunger, getting dizzy and mild headaches, and overall exhausted. so speed up to a few days go took two tests at night..I know not supposed to and got 2 faint lines in each. then tried a digital in the morning that ended up being negative. That was Thursday morning that I did that. Now I'm about 6 days from my period and the last 3 days (mainly yesterday and today I'm feeling so nasuous with bad acid reflux and heart burn) and TMI (pooping has been more difficult, I feel sometimes constipated but I am Not and it's been coming out pretty hard which is not normal for me) does anyone have any insight or did any of you have these issues early on in your pregnancy?