Idefk anymore, started off as something personal and turned into a rant


Okay... so my period has been irregular for 3 years now. I never know when it’s coming... and when it does it hits me like a train. Everything hurts... I get really moody... I can’t stand to be touched... I cramp really bad... get really hungry... get a little depressed... but worst of all... throughout my entire period it feels like the inside of my is being stretched out. My pelvic bones hurt like a bitch and it feels like my vagina is being stabbed. Why does being a girl have to suck so much? Think about it... girls are like super humans... we can bleed for 7 days straight out of our vaginas without dying, and we can carry a whole other human inside of us. I don’t see any guys doing this... yet they have the nerve to complain about how bitchy we are on our periods... or when someone is pregnant... like no either sit tf down and stfu or get tf outta here... bc I’m tired of this shit😫😫😂