I can't stand my in laws

so this us the reason I can't stand my in laws well my husband and I have been married for over 7 years now and have 2 children and another on the way well we've been off and on for our entire marriage because he's a drug addict and a criminal he's been in and out of jail and prison and usually things are good when he's doing good and staying sober but every time he either gets around his family or has any type of contact with them he ends up mixed up with drugs and starts fucking up his sisters always end up hooking him up with their friends when he is around them or when he's locked up they give their female friends his info to write him his guy cousins even hook him up with their home girls or females they've messed around with and they do meth with him also it never fails at least once a year he ends up running into someone he knows or starts spending time with family members and ends up staying out all night for weeks at a time until I get fed up with trying to get him to stay home and end up booting him out and quit speaking to him cause he always ends up cheating on me he swears I'm the one cheating and that's why I kick him out he doesn't get that it's because of his drug use and he will never admit that he's cheating but like clock work after he's been out of the house for at least a week or so and I stop answering his calls and text I end up finding out he's going around town and his family saying this new girl (who by the way I have suspicions about before I kick him out and even mention my suspicions to him before I end up kicking him out) is his new gf or she's claiming to be his new wife and it's always a different girl each time it's never the same girl well anyway right now we are split up because he's back on the drugs again and all of a sudden his sisters and family are all on his Facebook and in his messages telling him they miss him and he needs to go visit and calling and checking on him when the whole time before they found out we had split up they didn't know him weren't concerned with him and where he's staying weren't missing him or wanting him to visit they wouldn't even visit us or our kids or ask about our kids when they would call they would just call to see if he would sell them his food stamps or if he knew anyone who was selling food stamps even his own dad would never call unless he needed money or wanted him to get him drugs his family doesn't support our marriage or me when I'm trying to keep him sober and out of jail and then when he starts fucking up and doing drugs again they blame me like I can control him or what he does I can't hand cuff him or tie him up in the house I can't keep him from leaving to go get high or to even cheat hell we end up in a big as fight when I try to prevent him from leaving cause I always have a gut feeling on where he's going and what he's doing I'm not stupid or blind I even had a conversation with his sister last week where she out right blamed me and my family saying that I am OK with what he does until we split up and he's with a new girl I told her hold up I am never OK with that shit and never will be that that is why we fight and I have to kick him out cause I will not have that type of sit around my children of all people I would think she would understand considering she is a foster parent but no everyone in his family enable him and his addiction and are OK with what he does as long as he and I are not together but when we are together they don't know him or our kids and act like they don't know where we live unless they need food stamps or money or drugs I'm so fed up with dealing with his family I've tried to get him help through his parole office before they never helped now he is supposed to be doing drug rehab and is on probation for possession of meth and he won't go nor will any of his family get him to go or encourage him to go his so called friends are obviously of no help either since all his so called friends are meth addicts too which is the reason I've never let him take our children anywhere by himself cause I can't trust anyone he is in contact with I'm so tired of dealing with his addiction and the behavior that comes along with it on my own I literally 8 weeks away from having our 3rd kid by c section and may have gestational diabetes and have a 5yr old in preschool I've got enough on my plate I don't have time or the patience to deal with it so right now I'm not speaking to him I thought I could go to his sister for help but nope all she did was play the blame game he's even gotten to the point where he has went to my son's school acting all crazy and questioning our 5 yr old if I was fucking someone he used those exact words he acted this way right in front of the teacher too I had to call the police they wouldn't give me a temporary restraining order since there was nothing physical that happened just the stalking and harassment our son is even scared that his dad will take him he talks about it every time we leave the house to go to school and he's even asked his teacher if she will keep him and his classmates safe and to make sure his daddy doesn't break her school I feel so bad that he has to witness this behavior this is the reason I have been avoiding my husband cause he needs to get the hint I've already told him it's the drugs and the lifestyle that comes along with it or me and the kids he can't have it both ways and I've already told him if he can't pass a drug test he will not be allowed at the hospital or even near me and the kids or the new baby which I know he will not pass cause he has already been messaging his so called friends on Facebook for drugs I know because I have access to his account and he sent a voice message to one of them and he's even had some female using his Facebook to message one of her female friends mind you this girl I've had suspicions about since before I kicked him out cause he was hanging around friends and she was always there and he even added her on his Facebook he said she was supposed to help him with something and I told him about my suspicions and he said I was tripping and when I seen she had used his Facebook to message her friend I asked him why he would be letting this female use his Facebook when she obviously has her own and he just made excuse and tried to switch the blame on me for something else which tells me he's probably fucking this bitch I'm usually right when it comes tow im stupid for taking him back time after time but i didnto my suspension my guts usually right I know im stupid for taking him back so many times but I didn't get married to end up divorced and I was always taught to try to work things out and I know he has an addiction and I don't want him to end up dead because of his addiction and I love him I know his behavior doesn't show any kind of love from his part at times it feels as though he just uses me and wants to only keep me around when the shit hits the fan cause he knows I'm the only one who's ever there for him when he needs it no matter what but I'm at a point where I feel like giving up on him and our marriage but scared to try and move on I have 5 kids total and I'm about to be 36 in a few months and have dental health issues due to calcium defenciency and having had hyperthyroidism for a long time so I feel like I'm never gonna find anyone ever again and I'm afraid to be alone and no I have terrible social anxiety I don't even have friends because of my axiety well I'm sorry this is so long but I needed to vent thank you for taking the time to read this