Eloise Marie, due date 4/23, decided to come a little early

Eloise Marie, due date 4/23, decided to come a little early! At 12:10 am on 4/21 my water broke. We headed to l&d and were in a room starting fluids and monitoring by 3. By 6 contractions weren't regular so I was given 1 of pitocin. By 7 contractions were less than a minute apart and unbearable. I was only 3.5 cm at this point so I got the epidural. After 4 tries it was in and baby girl's heartbeat dropped. After changing position and being in oxygen for about 20 minutes a nurse checked me and it was time to push! Eloise's head was already poking out! Pushed through 3 contractions over a total of 14 minutes and out she came screaming and pink. 5 lbs 13 oz and 18.5 in long. She's perfectly healthy 💕