only O with legs straight, solution!

This is how I taught myself how to O with my legs bent. Okay so some of you may not have this problem some of you do an if youre struggling like I did to fix this problem here's how I'm working to get past it. I believe you get this from getting off on your own in the same position every time. (on your back legs straight) I personally had this happen cause it was easier to go over the edge with my legs flexed straight, I was a virgin up until 2 months ago so I never wanted to get off in a different position so it taught my muscle memory THIS is how you orgasm. But having a partner now I want to be able to get off without needing my legs to be straight so I had to figure something out. After trying by myself in bed for weeks I couldn't even come close with one leg even slightly bent. After being fed up I had an idea..

HERE'S HOW: Get in the shower an use the shower head but sit on your knees so when you O your legs cant push your weight up to be straight, forcing them to be bent. That way they're still able to flex like they want but they're unable to go straight, it takes a tad longer but the fact that you've over come something makes it hotter an more worth it. THEN after doing this a few times in the shower (not in the same session, give your body time to get the muscle memory down) you can take it to the bedroom. but there you can start with one leg then move on to two once you feel comfortable. Personally starting with one leg is easier because im not SO focused on both legs.

If its still a struggle to even come close, I would suggest starting with your legs straight an as you feel yourself getting closer to peak bend that leg! if you start to lose it straighten your leg back out and start over maybe wait a little more into the peek THEN bend it.

Any who, I REALLY hope this helps anyone going through the same!

REMEMBER: do not get discouraged, a little victory is still a victory so pat yourself on the back, it takes time, don't forget to have fun!!😘💖